Back in Civilization (Nepal 19)

Back in Civilization (Nepal 19)

Last post: Poon Hill or Tourists, Tourists, Tourists… (Nepal 18)

After a simple breakfast at our guesthouse we said goodbye to the old lady and the last part of the trek was more like a sunday walk in a park you do with your 90 year old grandmother. The mountain creek guided us to the village Nayapul from were most of the tourists start their trek to Poon Hill. For one last time our permits were checked by the officials and after another 20 minutes of walking we were totally back in civilization.

We tried to get a taxi back to Pokhara and so we stopped some cars to bargain about the price. Taxi number four made a good price and so we had a deal. We where brought back to Pokhara where we got a bed at the same place we´d been a few days ago. It felt so good to have a warm shower and a comfortable bed to sleep in after so many days without warm water.

Our clothes made it to the washing machine and we started to relax. There is a free book exchange in this guesthouse. So I found a book and started to read on the balcony enjoying the warm sun.

Next post: The best Momos in Pokhara (Nepal 20)

Filed under BLOG, TRAVEL

Based in Würzburg, Germany we started to write this blog in 2014 after a long trip in Asia. We are food addicted and love to travel in Asia. We post our own experiences, pictures and recipes.

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